Sunday, January 3, 2010

Detox - Day Three

Early morning report -
another restful evening, even with zuzu new to family we all slept thru the night. yay!
work up to needing the bathroom but little happened. hmmm - what to make of this. ok, i'll make the recommended lemon water with a pinch of cayenne to encourage a little more movement " i like it move'n move'n" ok trying to add a little humor since i noticed my past couple of posts were dry.
down to the kitchen to make up cocation and flu like sensations came upon me. ah, just like the book explained; i guess this puts me on track. i'm glad i'm not working today. i don't think i would make it on my feet all day. sitting here blogging waiting for the sensation to settle and i'll make my rice protein fruit smoothie.
because of the intestinal blotting and achy feeling in my body i didn't have an appetite but i ate lightly regardless to keep the nutrition intake. i drank tea and water like it was my last day for fluids. i'm hoping these will help flush this flu sympton out - i appreciate i'm on track but i'm not feeling well.

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