Friday, December 31, 2010

Be...longing to 2010

closing out the year ...
started the year with the word 'trust'
that brought me time to:
seeked guidance
sat alot
ate less
slowed down more
took more breaks
worked hard
rested hard
trusted more
believed in myself
reduced judgement on self and others

just by chance i ended my year reading "My Abandonment" (but i keep inadvertently referring to the The Abundance)
simple safe life, time to feel life that is apparently around us yet we don't stop long enough to absorb it's entire quality, and quantity for that matter- it's worth it; we owe it to ourselves.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Four of the Deux

Ok - this today is an awaking in many ways.
I woke again feeling light in thought as well as a whole person. I also appreciated how my body rested so well last night in 7.5 hours of sleep. I laid in bed with my sweets for about an hour, listening to him sleep, thinking of life, smiling at the little noise my cat makes when she dreams, and truly enjoying the delight of the early morning under the covers.

My husband is getting ready for work and I enjoy preparing his breakfast, snacks, and lunch for his day. We chatted about experimenting making falafels for dinner tonight. A new dish that this detox program invites us to try. Yay! It sounds good and it may become a keeper like the Kheer has become. Oh how I like discovering yummy foods that I really enjoy eating and appreciate the high health value it holds.

I have a good day planned filled with a few errands, house hold chores, and a visit to a dear friend and her 12 day old son. I hope to get some cooking completed for the rest of the week's detox as well.

I've lost 5 pounds since last wednesday - i don't feel light in weight but the lightness is felt in my skin. I keep touching my face, arms, and hands and the sensation is smooth and soft. one of my goals from this cleanse is to get below 150 pounds knowing i'll creep up when return to my regular diet. I want to maintain 148-150 pounds. I have an overall healthier feel about myself when I'm at that weight.

I'll check in later ...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day Three of the Deux

I had an awesome nights sleep! Woo HOO.
And i woke feeling light and clear. I was hungry but it didn't feel any different than my typical mornings. I drank my lemon water, water, and tea before i left for work.
At work I drank my smoothie (pumpkin, 1/2 banana, rice milk, rice protein powder, & ). About 60 minutes later I was hungry so I ate my 1 cup of Kheer over a 15 minute period. Followed by water and tea.
I experienced through out the morning a strong taste of metal on my tongue. I was relating it to a really bad bad case of morning breath. When I drank water or tea, the sensation subsided for a short bit, but returned again. Upon my reading, this is one of the effects of the cleanse. I have to remind myself the cleans happens via my all areas of the mouth, my skin, hair, urine, and bowels.

Lunch was tomato soup, two small sweet potatoes, 1/2 cup greens and ~ 1/3 pear.

When I got home I ate 1 serving of soy chips, glass of lemon water, water, and tea. Felt good so I worked on moving our pile of broken up concrete steps; alternating with raking leaves so I don't over work my shoulder and lower back. I was a bit surprised that I was tired after 45 mins; but had to keep in mind I commuted twice today, moved concrete, while cleansing. SO!

Made a pot of miso soup for dinner; it's such a hardy soup after I added mushrooms and shredded broccoli, carrots, and cabbage. Next time I'll experiment with adding tofu.

Had a sweet tooth so I ate a few strawberries and drank peppermint tea. I was delighted how easily that satisfied my craving - noting too the craving was also most likely driven by habits.

Became very fatigued around 7:45pm. I'll try to add more protein into my day tomorrow to see if that will help carry me through at least 9pm. ;-)

A good third day and grateful I'm doing this cleanse, and tickled my love is riding along with me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Testing my moble blogger

Day Two of the Deux

Feeling pretty good considering how hungry I am. I slept so well and woke up with a feeling of lightness and clean. I'm noting I have a slight headache and my sinuses are a bit stuffed up.

But today I'm going to stay active with light activities: vacuum the house, tidy around the house, purge some old clothes from the closets and dresser, shop for this weeks food, the recommended shower hydrotherapy, read, visit a friend, and nap. I remembered from my last detox that I stayed active on my second day and I was distracted with how hungry I felt.

Today also marks an unusual day. Cyclocross season is here and today's race takes place at Barton Park. The same race location that Lou fell ill at our feet last year. He passed 9 hrs later. His anniversary of his passing is this Tuesday, 16th. It will be a bit emotional today - I will honor this with an open heart.

Adding to my emotional testing is i started my menstrual cycle yesterday and the discomfort is teasing me a little as well. BTW: the Deux wasn't about emotions but that my husband and I are doing the detox together.

But - I'm rising up to the challenge and feeling stronger each moment I stick with the plan. And role modeling for my husband is added support for my motivation to complete this 7 day detox.

The teas I've been drinking are lovely with their own natural flavor not needed cream or sweetener that I typically add to my teas. I'm drinking the EveryDay Detox for it's flavor and the liver benefits. You can find the tea at many stores that have a health food section or typically carry 'healthier' foods. Here's a link in case: .

I have also noticing I am looking for or eating food when I enter the kitchen. I feel the immediate pull to food when I go in to make my tea, water, or lemon water. Of course I question the behavior with; is it because it's a habit I've developed or is it because I'm craving food to eat?

Off to my day - xo

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Detox times Duex

Elevens months ago I completed my first detox; an experience I haven't regretted since. And I adopted a new eating lifestyle that has proven me time and time again how essentially true "you are what you eat".

Today my husband and I started a 7 day detox. This is his first, my second. And even though it's not easy, today was alot easier in ways for me and not so much for him. And since I blogged my first detox (Jan. 10) I went back and read about my experiences. Those entries gave me encouragement to stick with this; because there is a reason why I wanted to do it again. right!?!

Today was pretty much the same as Day One but less anxious and I feel more relaxed. Don't get me wrong, I was hungry many times of the day. Hunger pings were strong but I remembered from my last detox they only lasted about 15 minutes. That's when I get a little active around the house to distract myself from the pings. But a couple of times I thought I was smelling food coming from the heater vents; once it was the smell of toast. Oh how the mind plays on ya.

It's almost bedtime and I'm looking forward to the escape of today's challenge. Tomorrow I will become more active particularly since I'm already feeling antsy from not doing too much today. And Chris and I will plan our meals for the remaining 5 days; so I hope that helps him feel optimistic. :)

OK - I'm off to another hot/cold hydrotherapy shower and then to bed.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just in time ...

... as nature plans.

A compassionate attitude opens our inner door, and as a result it is much easier to communicate with others. If there is too much self-centered attitude, then fear, doubt and suspicion come and as a result our inner door closes. Then it is very difficult to communicate with others.
-Dalai Lama

My parents are coming in to town tomorrow afternoon. Their visit will be non-typical. They are staying at an RV park and only staying two evenings. We'll have a day and a half to visit. I saw them last in February 2009 when then hosted me and my brother during the week of my Dad's passing. It wasn't the ideal visit but I will for ever be grateful for their support during my stay.

So what dances in my mind since I learned of their visit just two mornings ago is; why does their visit have to be so short and why can't they stay with us. I'm trying to be open and allow what is be what it is. I'm thinking gratitude for their visit, as short as it may be. I'm thinking allowance for the change in lodging logistics as I'll still see them.

My ego wants me to be upset, disappointed, control the situation b/c It know 'better'. I'm breathing thru it, in with light out with darkness and know that I can chat with them tonight to confirm plans so I can further embrace this opportunity that could of not happened if they didn't call to see if we were around this weekend.

thank you universe for sending me the timely messages i needed.

palms together to all in the world

Monday, May 31, 2010

A reminder on "Fear"

after a bout with the love of my life, i escape to my laptop to research what is jivamukti yoga. i clicked on the focus of the month and viola ... the reminder to live with the power i already posses.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we . . . give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

-Marianne Williamson


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Has it really been that long

I mean really, almost three months since my last post. i am a product of my own enemy - avoidance. i will explain ... over my many years living on this lovely planet i've mastered well on the just getting by with doing the minimum of my own full ability. this understanding, this reflection just arrived to my forethought. helllo! well that just explains everything now, doesn't it. well, doesn't it?
and as a gal who prefers a quick answer and solution - i wish it did, but my true nature knows differently; as with most of us. anyhow, what is cool about this realization is when i felt stuck and admitted it to myself, i just thought a quick vision quest would resolve all my questions. again, denial that there is work to be done, and lots of it. and do i understand that i have more than just one year of self work ahead of me ... yep, it's my remaining life and i knew that on paper and would probably tell my friends and such, but for me - avoiding all that just pulled me away from the obvious work that needs to be done.

now that i know better, therefore it should be clear .... what? no?
i judge myself more than i realize. i am working on listening to my counter-intentions and how my subconscious judges me. the more i come to realize, listen, and reflect on these judgments and counter-intentions, the fog lifts, becoming thinner and thinner.

lifting these thoughts and beliefs allows the 'true work' to come through - that's is why it's called clarity. yeah babe.

so it may come to a surprise but i've allowed so much of society interfere with my happiness. ah, another surprise, eh? i was getting so engulfed with my exterior influences and and finding acceptance that i lost myself for a long time. hence the sense of feeling 'stuck' or bogged now with heaviness and uncertainty.

as the fog lifts i can see more clarity of my past, why it affected me the way it did and still does. i sit with it, learn to accept it, and then try to dissipate it, one by one; which isn't as easy as i wish.

and what i need to see now is i cannot make up the time 'felt lost' but work with what i have now, truly work with it. no more distractions from the work because i know that doesn't get me anywhere but stuck ... a little bit more empty inside that i know is best ... and gosh why not experience 'life' for the real stuff and not through distorted glasses.

enough said for now .... i'm going to take my emotionally quivering body and rest on this for a bit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Spinning Mind

Wow - I've been wanting to write here for a long time and each time I come to the laptop I find a way to distract myself on the Internet. I figured it out that I was avoiding trying to harness what I will write for the day. So much is going through my mind; spiritual, environmentally, dietary, new information I've adopted, raw eating, to do or not to do a triathlon this year, my quest has been postponed, learning to let go ... all amongst the day to day living.

So I'll begin with the one that is in the forefront - the vision quest has been postponed. Originally it was to begin in the third weekend of March with monthly meetings leading up to a week long quest in September. I do respect the decision to restructure the vision quest to a later date was a hard one. My decision to sign up was 'scary' but I felt this is the time of my life for me to get 'clean' (and I'm still defining what that means or is to me but it's the word that keeps surfacing) and dig deep into my soul. I trust I may have had expectations what a vision quest may bring/give to me but I felt since i'm feeling ready, the experience would gently get me closer to contentment, peace, and confidence. I feel stuck right now and was depending on the monthly quest meetings, the week long quest, coaching and guidance, and all the would come from gathering with like minded individuals to open my heart, increase my trust in self, and ______ (i know there is so much more that i know and the unknown). I do admit to myself i am saddened by the news.

So until September, I would like to find a source to work with to mentor me. I'm poking around the internet to find local like minded individuals that would support my current time of my life. I kept finding myself revisiting two websites of teachers that I've had the pleasure to learn from. So I listen to this and have written to each of them to see what they can offer me.
In the meantime - I listen to the inner voice for guidance, slow down to allow my response instead of getting distracted, and believe believe believe that if i stay true to myself what happens is the given path. yes?

so - on that note i will head out to run my errands, jog with my Zuzu, and come home to make a 'green' smoothie for lunch.

Palms Together for the World,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

slipping Forward

yep, today I'm going to start "slipping forward" to where I was just 5 day ago; eating well with out the additional sugar, wheat, and corn. The last four days I drank and ate sugar and I did not like the combo - too much carbs I assuming. It began Friday evening when I said to myself that I deserve a beer because of the tough week I had. Just one beer and that's all I had but I doomed it with eating trader joes peppermint jojo's that we had around from christmas. and i couldn't just have 1 or 2 or 3 oooh no - it had to be like 6 or 8. i actually lost count. the early morning hours i spent in the bathroom with cramps and my head was banging from the huge sugar intake just 6 hrs early.
yeah, it was nothing like slowly integrating foods. serious lesson learned.

so today i started my morning with lemon cayenne water and followed with tofu and greens with a couple of mugs of detox tea. i'm also taking 2,000 mg of vit c and 1g pysillium to assist in purging the crap is consume the past 4 days. because i had as much sugar as i did - which isn't much to most folks but i've discovered during my detox integration i'm sensitive to it - i'm having cravings for it this morning. i'm using the practice that i used during my 1st week of detox is to wait it out for 15 minutes - drink tea and wait. it does pass - and it did during the detox. but today i needed a little help. in fact, i decided to write this entry with hopes the cravings would stop. and lo behold it did. ah - to journal does a girl good.

so i'll run my errands, go for a swim, and then come home for a health lunch of pumpkin soup or experiment with making a pumpkin smoothie.

i already feel my spirits lift from just sitting here ... remembering the cleansing path i decided to forge just 19 days ago. i have the rest of my life to perfect it - and that could be defined in many ways.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Detox - Day Twelve

One should think that they have the understanding of how food affects the body until one trys a detox program. Having only eaten a gluten free vegan diet for 8 days and then slowing integrating foods to learn of sensitivity and allergen reaction is an eye opener. As much as I want to eat the 'crap' food I slowly allowed to creep into my dietary lifestyle the past 6 months, I feel too good to allow myself to switch back.

On many obvious reasons to me to maintain this current dietary lifestyle is how calm and clean I feel. And the most important obvious reason is the 'freedom' I am experiencing. The freedom from sugar and carbs are the most that create havoc in my life for that I was not able to see before. I understood that once I reached this point I would see it but I just wasn't ready. And as I've said many times for many reasons and occasions for self and others; we all have a tolerance. Mine was reached last month.

So the past few of days I've tried sushi, white rice, fish tacos on flour tortilla, corn tortilla chips, soy milk in my tea, rice milk, chicken, turkey, veggie chilly, corn/wheat bread, eggs, and pie crust. I've concluded that i am sensitive to corn and white and wheat flour; wheat flour more so. my sinus became stuffed and my snoring return. very similar to my reaction to soy milk - when i let off it my sinus wasn't as stuffed. interesting that i would find the culprit and have my sinus clear - haven't had that experience or sensation for that matter, for more than a day. but to experience it for a week and more is something - and that i learned that when your sinus is clogged it's a reflection that your intestines are also clogged with food you are sensitive or allergic too. therefore you can not absorb foods fully - and i've just recently experienced how absorbing all the cool nutrients affects my body - it's a happier place in my body when i eat well and well with the friendly foods.

again - onward to continue this chapter and experience the ups and downs of this pathway.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Detox - Day Nine - Wheat

the book recommends introducing wheat 2-3 times a day for the next 2-3 days. i don't typically consume 'wheat' in the sense of breads and we are out of bread. i don't really prefer it anyway unless we make grilled cheese. i will visit this food item a few days later.

saturday morning:
eggs and greens
1/3 slice of pork bacon

stir fry mixed veggies & brwn rice seasoned with tameric & curry
1/2 of small veggie pot pie with white flour crust, savory sauce included cornstarch

fruit leather from trader joes

2 rice cakes, (1 w/almond butter)
1/4 cup mixed nuts

strong craving to munch on food followed by habitual pull to eat a sweet.
went to work on the xmas tree and vacumming. by 4pm, the craving was gone. yay

Detox - Day Eight - Eggs for Breakfast

2 eggs over easy and sauted greens w/onion - yum
ate 2 small tacos at lunch w/kids (corn tortilla - corn in taco filling)
shake for remainder of lunch
drank 3 cups tea in afternoon
apple, pear, rice cake
sushi & miso soup for dinner YUM
mixed nuts and tea for evening snack

the book recommends you start on the 8th day
integrating w/eggs. and i did

so far so good - tomorrow i will return to the detox diet to allow for any possible reaction to the corn or sushi.

Detox - Day Seven

Thursday: i woke w/o congestion - ah the vegan gluten free diet is a strong tell tale that i am sensitive to something.  chris mentioned how i haven't snored for the past couple of evenings.
i am looking forward to eggs and greens tomorrow morning.
protein shake w/flax meal and green powder held me longer than w/o these additives.
and i'm noting how i'm feeling clear, calm, no strong cravings for carbs only the habitual pull to them when i see them. will continue to work on this will power.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Detox - Day Six

Wow - day six. i'm glad i am over the big hump. just two more days and i begin integrating food introductions. i'm thinking eggs for Friday's breakfast. [licking my lips]

I woke up this morning a bit sleep but feeling great. And then I smiled as I remembered I surpassed the dairy cravings I had yesterday afternoon. I was thinking about cheese and cream for my tea. The question to investigate do i crave it for the habit or does my body require it? We will see soon. I have learned this week that protein is key for me.

Good News - the chant worked! Yep - a healthy BM this morning. Ok, perhaps it wasn't only the chant but its a fun way to share the news when it's not the most 'pleasant' news. This morning I practiced some Anusara yoga that I haven't fully integrated into my practice for unknown reasons to me - easy out to the answer - lazy? but i really haven't reflected on it. this morning i enjoyed the relationship i have with my body, my joints, my sockets, the muscles, and my breath. Loooove it!

off to for the day at work - will check in tonight.

well another accomplishing day. stuck with the plan - drank more fluids and kept the headache away. got a little kick that i was day dreaming how i'm going to bake my califlower in the oven when i get home. good eats. found eating a good portion of protein at each meal keeps my hunger and cravings in check as well. i'm still taken how much slug is coming out of my body. oh, and that i understand more clearly why this particular detox program i'm on suggests a sauna each day; my skin is developing little white bumps that rub or pick off - toxins i assume. the steam room would pops these w/o me knowing as they prob would melt thru my poors.
so much to learn about the body when you are detox'g.

down for a good nights sleep - and up for my 7th day. keep doing it 'right' and i will be rewarded with health and happiness.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Detox - Day Five

slept thru most of the evening with the symptoms strong in presences. hmmm, is this the 'flu like' symptoms some experience with a detox or a i coming down with something.

my stomach is feeling full, no bm yet, and i'm a little fatigue. took zuzu for a walk - and the movement provided no relief. i drank lemon/cayenne water, tea, and 1/2 a smoothie to keep me fueled. went on an errand and drank the remainder of the smoothie and and drank another tea upon my return. i can feel some movement and relief with time, but concerned i'm not taking in the calories i should on day five. having already missed yesterdays afternoon snack and dinner and this mornings full breakfast and snack, i wonder if the level of detox changes. just wondering.

again - my energy is good but a bit slow due to the symptoms. i'm alert and in a great mood aside from the discomfort. i am really beginning to feel a healthy bm (i understand this may sound gross to some) will solve a great deal of my discomfort. i kind of what to start cheering for it to come ... here we go bm, here we go [clap clap], here we go bm, here we go [clap clap].
they say humor is the best medicine .... i'll go with it.

i continued to drink fluids of tea and water thru lunch as i was not hungry. by 3pm i my hunger pings provides a sense of mental relief. i trust 'things' are moving in the digestive track again. a make a veggie pot of miso soup. a couple more cups of tea and alot of palpating the lower intestines. i'm still singing my cheer in my head. ;-)

6:30pm i'm a little hungry and ate a sweet potato and took three of my husbands colon cleanse capsules. with the diet i have been consuming these past five days i thinking this should work because if it doesn't - yikes ... what do i do next?

i'm glad i went to bed with food in my stomach. sweet dreams.

Detox - Day Four

first day to work on the detox. again, my original thoughts when planning my week was i'd be a bit 'out of it' while on the detox. not the case. in fact, co-workers were commenting how they don't notice any difference in my energy level. i'm also really excited about our new family member, zuzu, so i trust that is carrying me too. nevertheless, i'm grateful i've stuck with the plan. it's so much easier than i thought.

i'm not craving sweets and my 'so call desires' are more from habitual behavior. when i made chris' coffee i was thinking i'll want a cup after i'm off the detox but my next thought was - yuck. hmmm. and when i walk past our break room i find i'm looking for the treats on the table. and of course, there were treats - but i wasn't craving them, the habitual behavior was drawn towards them. so much behavior awareness coming from this experience and it's only day four.

breakfast: lemon/cayenne water, tea, smoothie
snack: rice cake, banana, tea
lunch: 1/4 banana, 1/2 cup rice milk, brown rice, and cooked greens.
no snack or dinner

on my bike ride home if was feeling a bit feverish and fatigued. by the time i got home my stomach felt ill, my intestines were distended, i was chilled, and i only wanted to sleep. i took zuzu for a walk with hopes it would get 'things' moving on my intestines. no luck.

after taking my temperature (99.5), i layed down and fell asleep on the couch around 7:30pm. went to bed. i hope this passes by morning. and i feel like a healthy bm would cure this ailment.

Detox - Day Three

ok, surprising i thought i would be so much more excited that i will be eating whole foods today. but my reaction was more grateful. but after my lemon/cayenne water (which i'm getting used to) and cup of tea, i slurped down a fruit rice protein smoothie. yuuuumy!
lunch consisted of a cup of miso soup, grapes, and a banana. then a yummy dinner of sweet potato and cooked greens. i'll like to experiment more with adding seasoning to the greens since i'm not using salt this week. the ginger taste ok, but not enough to satiate my palette.
but over all the day was good, easy going for me.
i will keep a better track of my fluid intake as i feel i was a bit short on the ounces. also, i'm getting used to drinking the tea without sweetener; particularly the good earth-original tea.

i thought i would be low in energy on the detox but i worked on the yard, cleared branches, help put up a hog wire fence, and cleaned the house. didn't feel the bit least fatigued or dizzy. taking the additional recommended supplements did the trick.

off to day four ...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Detox - Day Three

Early morning report -
another restful evening, even with zuzu new to family we all slept thru the night. yay!
work up to needing the bathroom but little happened. hmmm - what to make of this. ok, i'll make the recommended lemon water with a pinch of cayenne to encourage a little more movement " i like it move'n move'n" ok trying to add a little humor since i noticed my past couple of posts were dry.
down to the kitchen to make up cocation and flu like sensations came upon me. ah, just like the book explained; i guess this puts me on track. i'm glad i'm not working today. i don't think i would make it on my feet all day. sitting here blogging waiting for the sensation to settle and i'll make my rice protein fruit smoothie.
because of the intestinal blotting and achy feeling in my body i didn't have an appetite but i ate lightly regardless to keep the nutrition intake. i drank tea and water like it was my last day for fluids. i'm hoping these will help flush this flu sympton out - i appreciate i'm on track but i'm not feeling well.

Detox - Day Two

Well I am proud of myself to sticking through day one. It was hard but doable. I would breath through the touch moments; and that's what there were were moments of hunger. the hunger pain was intense and were increasingly intense as the day passed. I didn't do much buy lay around and watch tv or surf the internet. in retrospect, i wonder if being more active would made it easier to get through the day. i got headaches around 2pm and a sinus pressure sensation began at 3pm and subsided around 6pm. the headache increased and landed in my right eye. I was looking forward to bedtime to help me ignore this discomfort.

But day two was surprisingly easier - i felt really good when i woke. a proper nights sleep certainly contributes to a good nights rest. i made a plan to avoid the couch area and keep moving around the house. drank my lemon water and teas, showered, dressed, and headed out to the human society. we left about 11am and returned around 3pm. i had one water bottle of lemon water with me. surprisingly i didn't crave much of anything but grateful i had the water to drink. didn't finish the bottle till i got home. i began getting really hungry around 5pm. everything that was out in the kitchen i felt a knee kick draw to nibble one. do i knibble that much unconsciously or is this draw to the foods heighten because i am hungry or habitually hungry? around 5:30pm i began to think i'll have a cup of miso soup to hold me over till tomorrow. but the thought of doing that didn't feel right - as i would not be sticking to the program and that could affect the benefits and i'm trying within my comfort level achieve all the benefits i can from this 7 days of fasting. well i made it. by 8:30pm i was so sleepy if i fell asleep on the couch w/chris. went to bed only to lay with zuzu at her new crate for about 90 minutes slipping in and out of sleep. she is a good distraction for me on many levels. :) but i did achieve the two days of fasting with water, tea, and lemon water. yay for me. tomorrow i can drink fruit smoothie and eat fruits, veggies, rice, and miso.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Detox: Day One

I woke this morning with ease after a late night celebrating NY Eve with my husband. We stayed home, found a free online karaoke site and sang our hearts out till 3:00am. To my surprise I slept peacefully till 10:00 am.

My eyes catch the glass of water that awaits me. My first glass to consume before I do anything - I greet it with a smile.

I plan today and tomorrow to be extremely low key days. I can only imagine the challenges I will have and I've prepared for them the best I can. The unknown challenges will test my mental strength.

As I'm here typing this and drinking my herbal tea, my husband sits across eating eggs and bacon. It smells good and yes, I do want to reach over and take a bite. But I can have the eggs next Friday, I tell myself. :)

I'm watching an 18 hour marathon of 2001-2008 World Champion Triathlons. It's motivating, no matter where one is on the physical scale. Of late, I'm not much of a TV viewer so this may sound naive, but what I never noticed is how many food commercials there are and the power of suggestion the is delivered.

My current experience: slight headache, sleepy (contribute to late night), and hungry (which I understand will subside slightly thru-out the day).